Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is the swine flu 'crisis' being blown out of proportion?

Swine flu is everywhere you look - everywhere in the news that is! There is no doubting that with it being confirmed on 3 continents it deserves press coverage but is it as life threatening as some are making out?

Reporting worrying statistics like as many as 4 in 10 could be infected by the virus if it becomes a pandemic has created panic with UK residents. Actor Stephen Fry has urged people to 'be sensible and not to earn Twitter a bad reputation.' in a bid to stem the false rumours about the outbreak via the popular social networking site.

As the WHO (World Health Organisation) raised the alert level to phase five, one short announcing it as a pandemic, Professor Sir Liam Donaldson said he was "concerned but not alarmed".

The Government's Chief Medical Officer explained that while he expects to see many more cases of the virus in the UK, most will make a full recovery.

Some of the press coverage has frightened some people, especially those with children or elderly parents, however, the fact remains that to date the number of confirmed deaths is less than 10. While the UK now has 5 confirmed cases of swine flu, it has been suggested that the number of new hospital admissions in Mexico, where the spread of the virus started, is declining.

Sir Liam Donaldson explained to BBC Breakfast "Most people who get flu, even a new strain of flu, will make a good recovery. It's a nasty illness but it's short and they will recover."

He added: "To put things in proportion, in any flu, even the seasonal flu, there are some deaths, often of elderly people and the very frail. What we will see is many more cases, but on the whole most people make a good recovery from flu."

The two honeymooners with the first confirmed cases of swine flu in the UK are said to be "recovering well" in hospital while the all clear has been given to all but one of the people who came into contact with Iain and Dawn Askham after they arrived home from Mexico. Results for the remaining person have still to be confirmed but it is expected that they, too, will be given the all clear.

So, while the virus does appear to be spreading quickly throughout the world the number of confirmed cases remains quite low considering the world population. Closer to home we've had 5 confirmed cases out of a population of nearly 61 million.

You can follow an interactive timeline map of the virus on the BBC website which is updated regularly with new information.

So the advice seems to be not to panic. Only a very small percentage of the world is infected, and of those, the majority appear to be making a full recovery - much like the seasonal flu. People are, however, advised to take precautions to protect yourself.

Wash your hands regularly and catch a cough or sneeze in a tissue and throw it in the bin, much as you would to prevent the spread of the common cold.

New Local Youtube Video

YouTube user "alanfromdarwen" has added a new video to the popular website. Alan originally attracted praise for his song "Ode To Billy Bunter" which he created as a tribute to the horses who died in the stable arson in Darwen back in July 2008.

Alan says that he chose to write this song because one of the four horses which died in the blaze was owned by his daughter. This first attempt at song writing attracted nearly 1,500 views and he has now followed it up with "Broken Gravestones, Broken Dreams".

The ukulele backed song was inspired by a recent walk round Darwen and the song has already started receiving positive comments from viewers who appreciate Alan's work. The video which accompanies the song contains photographs of Darwen, including images taken whilst out on his walk through Darwen.

Asylum seeker who killed Darwen girl, 12, in hit and run walks free

A 31 year old failed asylum seeker walked free from court this week despite being due for deportation. Instead the Iraqi Kurd has been released on bail while he appeals the deportation decision as he claims it is still too dangerous for him to return to his country.

Mohammed Ibrahim was involved in a car accident over 5 years ago which killed a 12 year old girl from Darwen in November 2003. At the time Mr Ibrahim, who lived in Blackburn, was banned from driving for 9 months for driving whilst disqualified. He was originally disqualified for driving without holding a UK license or the necessary insurance.

Mr Ibrahim, who appeared to disregard UK law by continuing to drive illegally, was jailed for 4 months after failing to stop at the scene of an accident - he responded to mowing down the 12 year old by getting out of his car and running off.

Since then Mohammed has exhausted all his appeals to stay in the UK and was told that he would be deported at the earliest opportunity when he was seized in October 2008. However, he seems intent on dragging the process out as long as possible and recently won a court appeal against being detained while his deportation case was processed meaning that he is once again a free man.

The UK Border Agency could not estimate how long it would take to process his deportation.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Octaveward to replace fire damaged roof

Octaveward Ltd have been granted planning permission to replace a section of their roof which was damaged in a mjor fire last November.

Smoke from the fire, at Balle Street Mill in Darwen, could be seen rising into the air from across Blackburn and Darwen as firefighters tackled the blaze. Thankfully nobody was reported as being injured in the fire and the windows & doors manufacturer was able to return to full capacity within weeks.

Following approval of their planning application they can now carry out work to repair the damaged roof.

Firefox now more popular than Internet Explorer

According to StatCounter Firefox 3.0 is now the most popular Internet browser in Europe after overtaking Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 for the first time in March.

Web analytics from StatCounter show Firefox took 35% followed by 34.54% for IE.

"The move is partly explained by a small switch from IE 7.0 usage to IE 8.0 but also by growing market share overall by Firefox 3.0," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder StatCounter.

"The data shows that Firefox is closing the gap and is now just 10% behind all IE versions in Europe."

Since its launch less than a year ago FF3 has attained nearly 25% of the global market. Yet, although it's the most popular in Europe, the browser remains in 2nd place globally behind Internet Explorer 7 which still retains over 40%.

Darwen Online visitors seem to be sticking with Internet Explorer for the time being with the browser being used by over 53% of visitors, however, Firefox is gaining ground with current statistics showing a 5 percentage point increase to over 35%.

Many web browsers claim Firefox provides better usability and a better browsing experience. If you're interested in trying it out for the first time visit Firefox and download the latest version. Please share your experiences - which do you prefer?

Dealing with the spread of swine flu

According to reports every household in Britain is due to receive informational leaflets providing advice on preventing the spread of swine flu. In addition the Government are said to be ordering over 30 million paper face masks.

The big question is - do these face masks work? It is believed that they don't prevent the wearer from catching the flu but they do prevent people from spreading it to others around them.

Would you start wearing a face mask if given one? Will you be going one better by purchasing your own face mask rather than waiting for free hand-outs?

With deaths attributed to the flu restricted to Mexico do you think the media are over-reacting or do you believe we are past the point of no return and it is now inevitable that there will be a death in the UK due to the spread of swine flu? With officials in the US saying deaths are 'expected' and deaths in the UK are 'likely 'it would certainly appear to be a serious threat, although so far only 7 of the reported 159 related deaths have been confirmed as being caused by the virus.

What is worrying is how easily the virus seems to be spreading around the world with Germany the latest county to confirm its first case on the virus.

So will the virus eventually become classed as a pandemic? If it does it would be the first pandemic since 1968 when the "Hong Kong" flu killed over 1 million people worldwide, which itself was 50 years after the Spanish flu killed over 40 million in 1916 according to World Health Organization statistics.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Cameron Direct" in Rossendale & Darwen

Conservative Party Leader David Cameron is inviting residents in Rossendale & Darwen to quiz him face to face at his Cameron Direct event on Friday May 1st.

The event will take place at Fearns Community Sports College, Fearns Moss, Stacksteads, Bacup, Lancashire, OL13 0TG, on Friday May 1st 2009 at 5.45pm

Tickets for the event are free and open to all local residents, but must be obtained in advance.

Jake Berry, Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Rossendale & Darwen, said:

“We’re really pleased David Cameron is coming to Rossendale & Darwen. It’s a great opportunity for everyone – of any political persuasion – to come along and raise their issues, questions and concerns with him.

He added: “Across the country, there are obviously real concerns over issues such as the cost of living, including the pressure on homeowners and the pressure on small shops and businesses, and all these issues can be raised. But it is the members of the public who set the agenda for the evening – whatever the question, issue or concern, it will be answered.”

The event is free and open to all local residents, but tickets have to be obtained in advance. To apply, interested people can e-mail or phone 01706 215547

Attending members of the public are asked to be at the venue for 5.45pm for a 6pm start.

Darwen voters urged to get town council off to a flying start

Darwen voters are being urged to get their new town council off to a flying start by turning out in force on June 4.

That’s the day the first ever elections will be held for the new Darwen town council. Voters in the five wards which the town council will cover, Earcroft, Marsh House, Sudell, Sunnyhurst and Whitehall, will go to the polls to elect 13 town councillors.

Once in post, the new councillors will decide the scope and scale of operations for the town council which is equal to a parish council and represents the most local level of local government. Candidates have until 5pm on May 7 to put their names forward.

“This is a historic day for Darwen and I hope people in the five wards will get the town council off to a flying start by taking part in the elections,” said returning officer and chief executive Graham Burgess.

“It’s their chance to elect people to represent the concerns and needs of their community and work alongside Blackburn with Darwen Council just as other parish councils do in our borough.”

Polling cards have been distributed to 13,000 homes in the five wards and the election will run in the same way as other government elections with a mix of postal voting and casting votes at the polling station listed on the poll card.

Once in power, the new town councillors will need to draw up plans for how the town council will work and what it will do. Town and parish councils have a wide range of potential powers, which range from repairing and maintaining public footpaths and bridleways, to lighting roads, providing litter bins, bus shelters, traffic signs and public toilets. Some of these powers are granted to them by law, while others may be granted by negotiation with the principal local authority, which in this case is Blackburn with Darwen Council.

Town and parish councils play an equally important role in commenting on proposals which affect their area or local concerns such as planning applications or comments/complaints from local residents and feeding their views back to the principal local authority.

Town (and parish) councils are funded by raising tax from households in their area by adding a small amount (called a precept) to the Council tax bill. They do not receive grants from local or central government but may be able to bid for funding.

Darwen remains part of Blackburn with Darwen Council and the new town council will not affect borough council spending plans, borough council employees or police, fire and ambulance services. There are no elections to Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council this year.

Darwen bus timetables are misleading

Public transport user June Ellison, Darwen, has told Darwen Online of her disbelief of how poorly the local bus service is being run.

Her main complaint surrounds the timetable notifications which appear to be incorrect and misleading. Yet, according to Blackburn with Darwen Council’s strategic director of regeneration and environment, Adam Scott, all timetables have been up to date since April 19th.

However, June Ellison has since spoke to Mr Scott to inform him that information at a number of stops are still misleading. "It would be better to have no information at all than having to read incorrect timetables" she told us.

"The signs in the town centre have been updated but the information is still wrong! Information at Park Rd in Darwen also misleads people by reporting that no buses are available between 15:11 and 17:48 to Intack, Blackburn."

Even more confusing, it would appear that information on Darwen timetables claim that number 1 buses from Blackburn or Accrington terminate at Darwen Cemetery when, in fact, they actually terminate at Darwen town centre.

June Ellison, from Whitehall, says she feels sorry for those who rely on timetables and claims that she'd have no chance of knowing where the buses where going if she wasn't a regular user.

Man in hospital after attack outside Darwen pub

A 29-YEAR-old man has been left with serious injuries after he was attacked outside a Darwen pub, the Lancashire Telegraph reports here.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Active Living combats death rates from COPD

A determination to combat death rates linked to COPD has seen a new initiative introduced to help tackle the problem.

The pulmonary rehabilitation project has been launched as part of the Active Living programme and aims to improve the quality of life for people who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

COPD includes conditions like bronchitis, and emphysema and small airways disease.

It is the United Kingdom’s fifth largest killer disease and in Blackburn with Darwen the incidence of death rates due to COPD is higher than anywhere else in England and Wales.

COPD levels locally are thought to be due to the many mill workers in the area who developed problems due to their working conditions and the high number of smokers.

But the new scheme being run in partnership with the Council and NHS Blackburn with Darwen offers COPD sufferers the chance to challenge the statistics and get more out of life.

Participants are referred to the sessions, that take place at Mill Hill Community Centre and Darwen Vale regency gym, by their doctors or health professionals.

They are taught how to manage their illness and control and improve their breathing.

The scheme, which is funded by re:fresh and as a result is free of charge starts with a warm up following by some basic exercises.

Class participants take part in a physical activity session, delivered by specially trained exercise professionals.

This is complemented by a session with an occupational therapist who gives tips on relaxation and breathing management.

A regular walk at Witton Park is also being organised as part of the scheme.

It has been proven that physical activity and improved disease management can help to prevent hospital admissions.

Former mill worker, seventy eight year-old Margaret Wilson from Revidge said her breathing has improved dramatically as a result of the sessions.

“It's helped a lot. I have a little bit more confidence now because I can walk about and I’m not puffing and panting as much as I used to.”

Executive member for leisure, culture and sport, Michael Law-Riding said: “We recognise that these are appalling statistics and this programme demonstrates our commitment to do something about this.

“We hope Active Living will really make a difference to people’s lives.”

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alcohol ban continues for Darwen Music Festival

Festival goers will again be refused from bringing their own alcohol to this years Darwen Music Live.

Organisers decided to introduce the ban for the first time last year in order to create a more family friendly atmosphere, although the move has received a mixed response.

Like last year, people attending the event will only be able to purchase alcohol from the official beer tents or from surrounding bars & pubs.

Some people have supported the move, claiming that it has helped prevent some of the drunken behaviour witnessed in previous years, however, others say that attendance is down due to the ban.

The festival, which takes place on May 24th-25th in Darwen, is now in its 10th year and some claim it was gaining in popularity every year before the ban was introduced.

Artists wanted to take part in the borough's first arts market

Contemporary artists and crafters are being invited to take part in Blackburn's first ever art market.

The market will showcase work by artists working in painting, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, textiles, photography, contemporary crafts and jewellery.

It will run alongside Blackburn three day market on Wednesday, July 22, Friday, July 24 and Saturday, July 25.

The event will take place as part of 'Celebrate Blackburn' and if the market is a success could become an annual event.

Rebecca Johnson, Blackburn with Darwen Council's head of arts, said: "Local markets are the heart of the community and are for everybody.

"It would be great if you could go and pick up a lettuce or some cheese and get some art or sculpture at the same time."

Stalls are just £5 per day, or £10 for all three.

To register, please call Gwen Sangster on 07866606189 or 01254 585357, or email
The deadline for registering is June 26.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Re-cycle & Home Grown Day (Free)

On Saturday 25th April Sudellside Community Centre, Sudellside Street, are holding a re-cycle and home grown day.

They are asking people to bring into the centre a container that they would normally throw away, i.e margarine tub, ready meal tray meat tray etc. Volunteers at the centre will then fill it with compost and vegetable or herb seeds for them to grow at home. People taking part will also be given a larger follow on pot with compost for when the seeds get bigger.

Call for Darwen minor injury unit to reopen

SO few people used Darwen’s weekend minor injuries unit that costs were running at more than £250 per patient, health bosses said.

But the fact that some people were using the scheme despite a lack of publicity has sparked a campaign to re-open the unit at Darwen Health Centre.

Read more: This Is Lancashire

Play Pathfinder schemes opened in Darwen

Children and young people who live in the Watery Lane and East Rural areas of Darwen will soon be using new or upgraded play facilities thanks to a share of the £2.5 million investment in play across Blackburn with Darwen, from the Government’s Play Pathfinder programme.

Councillor Michael Law-Riding, executive member for leisure and culture and play champion for the borough said: “These are exciting times for our young people. The Play Pathfinder programme has given us the opportunity to ask children what they want to see and in most cases we have been able to use some of their ideas to enhance their existing play facilities or to introduce new ones.”

At Eccleshill children will be joined by East Rural stalwart, Irene Guy, who has worked in a voluntary capacity for many years, helping to raise money for various projects, including the community garden and the local church, St Paul’s. Irene is a regular at the Carus Centre in Hoddlesden and she also sits the committee of the East Rural network.

Around £50,000 has been spent on each site on equipment which is natural and innovative and includes climbing frames, DDA swings, trim trails, boulders and benches. Both sites have been developed from ideas put forward by children and young people.

Witton Park Walk guarantees to put the Spring in your step

Common gardens plants and herbs can put the Spring back into your step says medicinal herbalist Helen Duxbury.

The Blackburn practitioner is leading a special St George's Day Walk that will explore Spring tonics and detoxification remedies made from plants found at Witton Park.

Helen will introduce walkers to the medicinal properties of the humble dandelion that include benefits for the digestion and the liver.

And the attributes of wild garlic that can help with colds and coughs because of its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Even the nettle the enemy of many a child’s knee gets a whole new meaning under Helen’s advice who also plans to hold a special walk next month as part of Be Nice to Nettles week.

The leaf can be soaked in vinegar to make a hair rinse to brighten the hair and can be used for detoxification.

Detoxification is quite often the first thing that the mum of two says many of her patients need regardless of their illness.

“There are quite a few chemicals out there that our bodies are breathing in and we need to deal with them," she said.

“And we are not as active over the winter, we’re eating heavier foods and can be prone to more infections.

“Spring is a good time for shedding some of that load.”

Helen who has been practising herbal medicine for 20 years has just completed one of the first masters degrees in the subject.

A former nurse and health visitor she first became interested in it when she saw the benefits first hand.

“My daughter got psoriasis at a fairly early age, about two or three and we went down the conventional route but it didn’t help her,” she said.

“I ended up taking her to a private practising doctor using natural medicine and there was a very dramatic improvement.

“I thought there has to be something in this.”

For more information and to book your free tickets for the St George's Day Walk or the Be Nice To Nettles walk on Sunday, May 17, please contact (01254) 55423
or email or visit
Please note, this walk is over uneven ground and over stiles.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

St George's Day Quiz

A quiz will be launched place in libraries across Blackburn with Darwen next week as part of the Council’s St George’s day celebrations and prizes, donated by Encyclopaedia Britannica, will be up for grabs.

People wanting to take part in the quiz can go to any library between St George’s Day, April 23 and Sunday May 17, and the easy bit is, they will find answers to all the questions online. Log on to Britannica Online at any library PC or take part in the quiz at home by typing in your Blackburn with Darwen library card number.

Councillor Michael Law-Riding, executive member for leisure and culture said: “Encyclopaedia Britannica is the oldest continuously published reference work in the English language and the printed version has always been a firm favourite.

“Now, as with many other reference books, it’s available in a much-expanded online version. And it isn’t often you can take part in a quiz and have the answers to hand before you giving in your entry!”

Britannica Online has been available at all libraries across Blackburn with Darwen for several years but it’s hoped this quiz will encourage new users to try it out.

All correct entries will be eligible to take part in the prize draw and winners will be notified by telephone shortly after the closing date on Sunday May 17.

Prizes include:

Britannica visual dictionary for children
Britannica almanac 2009
The human body CD-Rom
3D globe DVD-Rom

Entry forms are available at all libraries and also online at

Mercer's Toys to officially open for busines

Mercer’s Toys is to have its official launch this Saturday, April 25.

As part of a day of celebrations there will be free face painting for children. A stilt walker and balloon modeller will also be on hand.

Special promotions will also run through the day to celebrate the official opening and help promote the new shop.

Invites have gone out to Jack Straw MP and the Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen, Councillor Mohammed Khan, and a photo opportunity has been arranged for approx 11am.

The new shop on Darwen Street replaces the retail arm of Mercer’s on Northgate, which is set to close before May 11.

The new shop takes on the famous name but will run independently to Mercer’s trade outlet, in Pump Street.

The opening of the new shop brings the Mercer’s name full circle.

Mercer’s Toy shop, formerly known as the Doll’s Hospital, was originally based on Darwen Street before moving to Northgate and being taken over by Mercer & Sons Limited Ironmongers in 1993.

Rose Fowler, who helped develop and manage the toy department for Mercer’s Ironmongers on Northgate, will run it.

She brings five members of staff along with her.

She said: “I wanted to maintain part of Blackburn’s heritage by using the name of the original shop – Mercer’s Toys.

“We’re confident the shop will be a success but we need local people to show their support.”

Councillor Alan Cottam, executive member for regeneration and environment, said: "I'm delighted that a historic local name like Mercer's will continue to have a retail presence in the town centre.

"I'm also pleased the council has been able to provide assistance with the Digital Development Unit helping the shop to set up an online trading presence."

Monday, April 20, 2009

New bus service for Ewood

A new bus service has been introduced, restoring the link between Feniscowles and Ewood.

The direct bus route between Feniscowles, Ewood and Blackburn was introduced following positive talks between Blackburn with Darwen Council and SpotOn bus service.

Councillor Alan Cottam, executive member for regeneration and environment, said: “This is great news and I am sure residents in the area will be delighted. It is a much needed service, linking residents from Livesey with local services including supermarkets and doctors’ surgeries.

“Public transport services are a partnership between the operators and the local council and both parties were able to work together in this case to provide the best possible bus service.”

David Wilson, SpotOn’s Commercial Director, added: “The feedback from passengers is very encouraging. We know it will be especially helpful to residents at the Brackendale Sheltered Housing complex.”

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Historic moment as Darwen Town Council is established

This is the moment that Darwen Town Council was created. The picture below shows Director of legal services Linda Comstive signing the order to establish the new council:

A referendum was held last year on whether to create it with the majority of voters backing the plan.

The town council will contribute to improving its local neighbourhood as well as considering planning applications in Darwen.

Residents of Darwen will still be as much as part of the borough council as ever and will continue to enjoy the representation from their borough councillor.

Ms Comstive said: “This is an historic moment for the Council and provides a unique opportunity to the residents of Darwen to actively contribute in improving their local services. The 13 newly elected town councillors will be in office for four years and so it’s vital that Darwen citizens register their right to vote and attend the polling station on the June 4, and show their support in shaping Darwen's future."

Residents of Earcroft, Marsh House, Sunnyhurst, Sudell and Whitehall can vote in the council election. If you wish to vote at the town council election, you must be registered on the electoral roll. The deadline for registering is May 19; applications for voting by post must be received by 5pm on the same day. Applications for proxy voting must be received by 5pm on May 27. These dates are fixed by law, if you are not on the register, you will not be able to vote. To find out further information and speak to someone/how to register to vote, ring the elections team on (01254) 585920 or e-mail;

The order establishing the Council is available to view at Blackburn and Darwen town halls as well as Blackburn and Darwen libraries.

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