A Darwen pub ignored statistics showing a pubs are closing at the fastest rate for decades by opening in the face of adversity. Pubs are being forced to close their doors as people tighten their belts as the so called "credit crunch" hits our pockets
The aptly named Last Orders in Darwen opened last month after undergoing lots of work as it was transformed from what was previously known as THE PUB. With it's low prices and welcoming atmosphere it continues to defy the statistics.
New figures from the British Beer and Pub Association show that 36 pubs per week are closing, compared with an average of just 2 per week in 2005. Research shows that small pubs are at the sharp end of the slowdown in consumer spending as fewer people are calling into their local pubs after work.
As part of a new trend which also sees people opting for 'own-brand' supermarket goods people are starting to have more cheap nights in rather than going out drinking or visiting local restaurants.
Many pubs in Darwen have faced closure over the past few months whilst others, like Last Orders, believe it will take more than a credit crunch to stop Darreners from visisting their local for the odd pint or two.
Where do you go drinking? Is it still busy or is it about to call last orders?
more than 2 years after opening this pub has gone from strength to strength.A new management couple (phil & tracy) started in nov 2010 and are doing great things. The last orders is doing better than ever with the help of tuesday club,top of league pool & darts teams,fab weekend dj's playing cool older tunes,mega raffle prizes & a warm friendly atmosphere. Try it soon and see for yourself.(p.s. its still the cheapest in darwen!)