Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Are we heading for street light switch off?

Councils in the UK are undergoing trial schemes to turn off up to 2/3 of their street lights between midnight and 5.30am.

The move is being considered by UK councils to help save money and reduce their CO2. Last month Powys in Wales turnoed off over 9,000 of its street lights, potentially saving an estimated £213,000 per year.

If the move proves a success then other councils could follow suit, so you might find that your own streetlight is switched off in the future. However, there are concerns about safety and crime in the affected areas and some people believe the money saved will be spent on police time and paying compensation claims.

Lights in key areas such as town centres and pedestrian crossings will not be affected by the changes.

The move has been made in Powys to help combat rising energy costs which have affected local councils.

Do you think Blackburn with Darwen council should consider this move?

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